
Living in HD

A few months ago I very randomly came across a contest on the Panasonic website. If you won, you would be one of 60 families chosen. You would receive a myriad of electronic items, including a 50" Plasma HD TV, Receiver, Surround Sound (the works), Laptop, 2 digital camera's, an HD camcorder, Nintendo Wii with games, a blueray player with movies, a $1,000 to use for HD service. In return you have to give Panasonic feedback on their products so that they can improve their future products. This includes doing survey's on occassion and blogging about your experience living in high definition. They want so see how a family would live in high definition.We found out in December that we are family #46! I can't tell you how excited and shocked I was because I had never won anything like this before. We like to think we are a pretty tech savvy family, however, we don't just go out and buy the latest and greatest. We are on a budget and if we decide to buy something, it's usually over months of research and convincing ourselves it will improve our lives somehow. Currenly, we have no high definition televisions or other electronic devices that are in HD. That is all going to change this Friday when Panasonic is sending out installers and someone who's going to show us how to use all of the equipment. Right now I am most excited to capture my children on the High Definition camcorder. When I was a kid, it was very grainy video with NO sound! Now I get to capture every scrape, every missing tooth, every detail of my children growing up. Of course I'm also excited about the 50" Plasma TV. I mean, who wouldn't be! I can't WAIT to watch a movie on Blueray.I plan on writing more after the equipment is here. In the meantime, you can find more information at http://www.livinginhd.com/thekorys.

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